"Age and site of Colonic Neoplastic Lesions: Implications of screening " by Manzoor Hussain, A. B. Khalid et al.

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Objective : To evaluate the Age of patients and the site of Colonic Neoplastic Lesions (CNL) and to determine the appropriate screening strategy for Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC) (sigmoidoscopy versus colonoscopy) in our population.

Methods : This is a cross sectional study. Data of all patients more than 16 years of age who underwent full colonoscopic examination at the Aga Khan University hospital between January 2011 till December 2013 and were diagnosed to have CRC or advanced adenomas (defined as polyp more than 1 cm and/or having villous morphology on histology) was recorded. Lesions found distal to the splenic flexure were characterized as distal lesions and while lesions found between the splenic flexure and the cecum were characterized as proximal lesions.

RESULTS: During the study period colonic neoplastic lesions were found in 217 patients; 186 (85.7%) patients had CRC and 31(14.3%) patients had advanced adenomatous polyps. Mean age was 55.8±14 years and amongst them 72 (33.2%) patients were less than 50 years of age while 145 (66.8%) were more than 50 years. In 144 (66.4%) patients lesions were located in the distal colon, 65 (30%) had lesions in the proximal colon while in 8 (3.7%) patients the neoplastic lesions were found both in the proximal and distal colon. The predominant symptoms were bleeding per rectum in 39.6% of patients followed by weight loss in 31.8% of patients. Only 3 patients had familial syndromes with multiple polyps. When patients younger than 50 years of age were compared with patients more than 50 years there was no statistically significant difference between the site of neoplastic lesion as well as the presenting symptoms. (p value 0.85).

CONCLUSION: Colonic Neoplastic Lesions presented at younger age in our study population and one third of the lesions were found in the right sided colon. Hence screening for CNLs should be implied at an earlier age preferably with colonoscopy. More population based data is required to further validate our results.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Pakistan journal of medical sciences.
