"TCPD in Tanzania: Design-Based Implementation Research Cycle 1 Recomme" by Saalim Koomar, Winston Edward Massam et al.

TCPD in Tanzania: Design-Based Implementation Research Cycle 1 Recommendations Policy Brief

Document Type

Policy Brief


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


MEWAKA (Mafunzo Endelevu kwa Walimu Kazini, or Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development (TCPD)) is a landmark teacher professional development programme being implemented by the Government of Tanzania. The current and ongoing research project, The Impact of a Tech-Supported, School-Based TPD Model on Learning Outcomes in Tanzania, using Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR), closely aligned with the Tanzania National TCPD implementation plan (TIE, 2021), evaluates the initial implementation of MEWAKA at school level. This policy brief presents a summary of the key findings and recommendations from the first cycle of the DBIR carried out between September and December 2022. Keywords: TCPD; teacher professional development; design-based implementation research; primary education; tanzania; communities of learning An output of the EdTech Hub, https://edtechhub.org

Publication (Name of Journal)

EdTech Hub

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