COVID-19: Searching for a Little Hope in Adversity - The Sub-Saharan Experience

Document Type



Internal Medicine (East Africa)


He lay on his stomach, lifeless. The ventilator was turned off but attached to his mouth like an alien emerging from the depths. Drops of condensed water, normally dancing with each breath, now inertly lined the inside of his endotracheal tube. The nurse moved stealthily around his room, covered in light blue per- sonal protective equipment and a foggy plastic face shield, adding to the eerie feeling. She was slowly and methodically disconnecting various apparatuses from his body. The overhead monitor remained attached to his chest, beeping lifelessly as he remained motionless. Through the glass window, beneath the do not enter sign, you could see his orange beard, dyed multiple times during his life, now covered with blood-tinged mucus. Partial resuscitation efforts had been unsuccessful.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
