"Education and extremisms: Rethinking liberal pedagogies in the contemp" by Farid Panjwani, Lynn Revell et al.
Education and extremisms: Rethinking liberal pedagogies in the contemporary world

Education and extremisms: Rethinking liberal pedagogies in the contemporary world


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Education and Extremisms addresses one of the most pressing questions facing societies today: how is education to respond to the challenge of extremism? It argues that the implementation of new teaching techniques, curricular reforms or top-down changes to education policy alone cannot solve the problem of extremism in educational establishments across the world. Instead, the authors of this thought-provoking volume argue that there is a need for those concerned with radicalisation to reconsider the relationship between instrumentalist ideologies shaping education and the multiple forms of extremisms that exist. Beginning with a detailed discussion of the complicated and contested nature of different forms of extremism, including extremism of both a religious and secular nature, the authors show that common assumptions in contemporary discourses on education and extremism are problematic. Chapters in the book provide a careful selection of pertinent and topical case studies, policy analysis and insightful critique of extremist discourses. Taken together, the chapters in the book make a powerful case for re-engaging with liberal education in order to foster values of individual and social enrichment, intellectual freedom, criticality, open-mindedness, flexibility and reflection as antidotes to extremist ideologies. Recognising recent criticisms of liberalism and liberal education, the authors argue for a new understanding of liberal education that is suitable for multicultural societies in a rapidly globalising world. This book is essential reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students with an interest in religion, citizenship education, liberalism, secularism, counter-terrorism, social policy, Muslim education, youth studies and extremism. It is also relevant to teacher educators, teachers and policymakers.

Table of Contents



List of Contributors

Introduction (Farid Panjwani, Lynn Revell, Reza Gholami and Mike Diboll)

Section 1. State Policies and Educational Practices

1. Challenging Extremism and Promoting Cohesion: National Policies and Local Implementation (Joyce Miller)

2. Education, Freedom of Belief and Countering Terrorism: The Minefield between UK Policy and School Implementation (Angela Quartermaine)

3. Education and Disengagement: Extremism and the Perception of Muslim Students (Tania Saeed)

4. Street Children, Integrated Education and Violence in Northern Nigeria (Chidi Ezegwu, Adewole O. Adedokun and Chioma Ezegwu)

5. Misplaced Utopia: Education and Extremism - the Case of Pakistan (Farid Panjwani and Zulfiqar Khimani)

Section 2. Perspectives on Extremism

6. Challenging the Legitimacy of Extremism: Critique through Education in the Work of Khaled Abou El Fadl (Angus M. Slater)

7. Teaching Early Muslim History: Facilitating Criticality through a Source-based Approach (Philip Wood)

8. ‘Mine Own Familiar Friend...’ Education and Extremism, within Historic Culture (John A. White)

9. Gender Equality in Education, Context and Criticality: Student Teacher Engagements in Three Northern Nigerian States (Elaine Unterhalter, Chidi Ezegwu, Adewole O. Adedokun, Mulika Lamido Dodo and Wadata Dangaladim)

10. The Balanced Nation: Addressing the Challenges of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism in the Classroom (Justin Crawford, Julia Ebner and Usama Hasan)

11. Multiple Ontologies of Extremism: ISISes in Education, a Case Study (Mike Diboll)

Section 3. Reconceptualising Liberal Education and Criticality

12. Negotiating Difference in Educatoin: Extremism, Political Agency and an Ethics of Care (Sarah V. Marsden)

13. Resilience and Soft Power: an Analysis of UK Government and International Guidelines and Resources to Address Radicalisation and Extremism in Education. (Lynn Revell)

14. Promoting Tolerance to Schools in a Time of Extremism (Robert A. Bowie)

15. Nurturing Critical Thinking across Self-Other Dichotomies (Daryoush Mohammad Poor)

16. Cosmopolitanism as Transformative Experience: Towards a New Social Ethic (Reza Gholami)

Epilogue (Mike Diboll, Lynn Revell, Reza Gholami and Farid Panjwani)

Publication Information

Routledge, London, 2018





Education and extremisms: Rethinking liberal pedagogies in the contemporary world

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