Crisis, urbanization, and urban poverty in Tanzania: A study of urban poverty and survival politics
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Third World urbanization is accompanied with declining trends in economic growth and appalling conditions of urban poverty. Lugalla provides an in-depth analysis of the `process of urbanization in Tanzania during the period of crisis and policies of adjustments, focusing mainly on their impact on the socio-economic conditions of life in the urban areas. While using a case study of Tanzania, this book can be useful in observing what happens in other African countries that are also experiencing a severe social and economic crisis and have adopted, or are planning to adopt, the adjustment policies.
Table of Contents
Abbreviations; Tables; Colonialism and the History of Urbanization in Tanzania; The Post-Colonial State and the Urbanization Process: 1961-1993; The Politics and Problems of Urban Housing; Squatter Settlements and the Politics of Urban Poverty in Dar-Es-Salaam: A Case Study of Three Settlements; The Crisis in Urban Civic and Social Service Facilities and Urban Poverty; Urban Poverty and Survival Politics; The State and the Urban Poor; Conclusion: How Tanzania Should Proceed From Here.
Publication Information
University Press of America, 1995
Urbanization, structural adjustment policies, poverty in Tanzania
Recommended Citation
Lugalla, J.
(1995). Crisis, urbanization, and urban poverty in Tanzania: A study of urban poverty and survival politics, p. 248.
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This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.