A Scottish perspective on issues surrounding the electronic record

Document Type

Book Chapter




Charlotte A Weaver, Robyn L Carr, Connie White Delaney and Patrick Weber

Publication (Name of Journal)

Nursing and informatics for the 21st century : an international look at practice, trends and the future


Centre for Innovation in Medical Education


Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society




This book provides the first look at how and why information technology is evoking revolutionary changes in nursing at every dimension. The book chronicles the huge historicl shift occurring in nursing linked to the explosion of electronic health record (EHR) national strategies and health policies occurring around the world. This book presents a thoughtful examination of nursing practice, professionalism, education and new exectutive leadership roles against the backdrop of informatics. While the book's primary benchmark is the developments and status of nursing in the U.S., there are in-depth and richly descriptive contributions from over 17 countries and 84 international authors. Capturing the nursing revolution that is being driven by the massive infusion of information technology into healthcare, the book features 30 case studies that draw from the best innovative work occurring across the foru cornrs of the world, allowing for comparisons accross industrial, developed and devloping nations.


This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.
