eCommons@AKU - AKU Symposium: Leadership in medical education and service

Pre-Symposium Workshops

Leadership in medical education and service

Presenter Information

Stefan Lindgren


CHS Tutorial Room 3

Start Date

25-1-2013 9:30 AM



Leadership is important for all activities in medicine. The formal leader has the authority and means to lead and is also responsible for the results. But informal leaders may be even more influential in stimulating the development of their respective activities. A leader must have a clear vision related to the goals and be able to demonstrate that fulfilment of these goals is possible. However, the way to reach the goals should be decided in collaboration with all coworkers.

The leader should be strategic and not hesitate to both take decisions and to change opinion when needed. Most importantly, the leader must allow team members to share responsibility, take initiatives and grow. In academic centers, leaders must span all activities, i.e. research, education and service and promote them all as production.

In this workshop, we will discuss the desired characteristics of formal and informal leaders, define desired outcomes of relevant activities, and discuss ways to reach these outcomes and to evaluate the results. Special attention will be paid to the overall team performance and the roles of the team leader.

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Jan 25th, 9:30 AM Jan 25th, 12:30 PM

Leadership in medical education and service

CHS Tutorial Room 3


Leadership is important for all activities in medicine. The formal leader has the authority and means to lead and is also responsible for the results. But informal leaders may be even more influential in stimulating the development of their respective activities. A leader must have a clear vision related to the goals and be able to demonstrate that fulfilment of these goals is possible. However, the way to reach the goals should be decided in collaboration with all coworkers.

The leader should be strategic and not hesitate to both take decisions and to change opinion when needed. Most importantly, the leader must allow team members to share responsibility, take initiatives and grow. In academic centers, leaders must span all activities, i.e. research, education and service and promote them all as production.

In this workshop, we will discuss the desired characteristics of formal and informal leaders, define desired outcomes of relevant activities, and discuss ways to reach these outcomes and to evaluate the results. Special attention will be paid to the overall team performance and the roles of the team leader.