16th AKU Symposium and AEME Conference 2013 | AKU Symposium

16th AKU Symposium and AEME Conference 2013


The AEME Conference and AKU Symposium was held by the by the Aga Khan University on January 26 and 27, 2013. These Proceedings mirror the highlights of activities during the Conference.

The Conference included oral presentations, workshops that were run concurrently as were moderated poster presentations. The Proceedings, which include salient features of these activities with each set of activities focusing on selected themes, are presented in the document in clearly demarcated sections. Annexes include details of Conference Committees, registered participants, and press clippings.

Photographs are included in this document for readers to muse over and to make memories more vivid. Readers may be able to identify with the photographs and recall old and new friendships that were triggered by the Conference, and recap fond memories of the event.

It is clearly evident that the AKU has made considerable progress towards establishing and maintaining quality in medical education as well as service, and adapting new developments. This Conference provided an excellent opportunity to highlight the need for change in medical education and practice, exchange notes on progress made, and to underscore the urgency to address it in the context of current demands, particularly patient safety and the implications for teaching and learning.

We at the AKU look toward the time when medical and allied communities in our country will continue to work together to strengthen weak areas in medical education and patient care, and set new landmarks to bring to fruition the vision that all medical school graduates will be good doctors.

I would like to thank all members of the Conference Committees for the commitment and diligence that was evident in their work which contributed significantly to the success of the Conference. I want to particularly thank Dr. Sajida Samad for her technical input in editing the Proceedings. Finally, I thank all those who worked behind the scenes, which contributed to the smooth implementation of the Conference and all its related activities.

Dr. Rukhsana W. Zuberi

Chair, Organizing Committee 16th AKU National Health Science Research Symposium.

Browse the contents of this symposium:

Organising Committee
Pre-Symposium Workshops
Day 1 : Plenary I (Theme: Curriculum Enhancement and Innovation)
Day 1 : Plenary II (Theme: Research and Technology; Enhanced learning & Simulation)
Day 1 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Curriculum Innovations)
Day 1 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Curriculum - Teaching & Learning)
Day 1 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Education for Service)
Day 1 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Evaluation & Quality Assurance)
Day 1 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Learning Environment)
Day 1 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Patient Safety)
Day 1 : Poster Presentations (Theme: Curricular Innovations)
Day 1 : Poster Presentations (Theme: Education for Service)
Day 1 : Poster Presentations (Theme: Patient Safety)
Day 1 : Poster Presentations (Theme: Teaching and Learning)
Day 2 : Plenary III (Theme: Licensure & Re-certification)
Day 2 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Curriculum-Assessment)
Day 2 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Curriculum - Teaching & Learning)
Day 2 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Evaluation & Quality Assurance)
Day 2 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Patient Safety)
Day 2 : Poster Presentations (Theme: Evaluation & Assessment)
Day 2 : Plenary IV (Theme: National & Global Initiatives Vis-à-vis The Lancet Report Recommendations)
Conference Workshops
Concluding Session
List of Participants
Participants Reflections
Media Coverage