eCommons@AKU - AKU Symposium: Frequency of dementia in elderly population in Karachi

Day 1 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Patient Safety)

Frequency of dementia in elderly population in Karachi


Lecture Hall 2

Start Date

26-1-2013 3:50 PM


Background: Dementia is one of the prevalent disabling diseases among South Asian population associated with many other problems. The medical community all around the world are aware of the fact that aging is associated (positively correlated) to dementia. Thus the research aims to identify the frequency of dementia in geriatrics in the multi care centers of Karachi.

Objectives: 1. To determine the frequency of dementia in elderly population of Karachi at multi care centers. 2. To identify the socio-demographic factors responsible for development of dementia

Methods: The study was comparative cross sectional survey. Participants aged between 60 and 95 years and not bed ridden were selected through non probability convenient sampling. Patients with severe mental health problem were excluded. Dementia was assessed by using a validated and reliable assessment tool Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Sample size for this study was calculated as 323 using the RAO soft formula. The data was entered on Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16 and analyzed.

Results: Out of 327, 5 (1.5%) patients were identified with severe dementia, 113 patients (34.6%) with moderate dementia, 112 patients (34.3 %) with mild dementia and 96 (29.4 %) were normal. Females and married have a significantly higher frequency of dementia

Conclusions: Out of 327, 5 (1.5%) patients were identified with severe dementia, 113 patients (34.6%) with moderate dementia, 112 patients (34.3 %) with mild dementia and 96 (29.4 %) were normal. Females and married have a significantly higher frequency of dementia

Key words: frequency of dementia elder patients 60 or above

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Jan 26th, 3:50 PM Jan 26th, 4:00 PM

Frequency of dementia in elderly population in Karachi

Lecture Hall 2

Background: Dementia is one of the prevalent disabling diseases among South Asian population associated with many other problems. The medical community all around the world are aware of the fact that aging is associated (positively correlated) to dementia. Thus the research aims to identify the frequency of dementia in geriatrics in the multi care centers of Karachi.

Objectives: 1. To determine the frequency of dementia in elderly population of Karachi at multi care centers. 2. To identify the socio-demographic factors responsible for development of dementia

Methods: The study was comparative cross sectional survey. Participants aged between 60 and 95 years and not bed ridden were selected through non probability convenient sampling. Patients with severe mental health problem were excluded. Dementia was assessed by using a validated and reliable assessment tool Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Sample size for this study was calculated as 323 using the RAO soft formula. The data was entered on Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16 and analyzed.

Results: Out of 327, 5 (1.5%) patients were identified with severe dementia, 113 patients (34.6%) with moderate dementia, 112 patients (34.3 %) with mild dementia and 96 (29.4 %) were normal. Females and married have a significantly higher frequency of dementia

Conclusions: Out of 327, 5 (1.5%) patients were identified with severe dementia, 113 patients (34.6%) with moderate dementia, 112 patients (34.3 %) with mild dementia and 96 (29.4 %) were normal. Females and married have a significantly higher frequency of dementia

Key words: frequency of dementia elder patients 60 or above