eCommons@AKU - AKU Symposium: Distribution and determinants of stress morbidity in postgraduate residents in a teaching hospital of Karachi, a megacity of Pakistan

Day 1 : Oral Presentations (Theme: Learning Environment)

Distribution and determinants of stress morbidity in postgraduate residents in a teaching hospital of Karachi, a megacity of Pakistan

Presenter Information

Asma Usman, Aga Khan University


Lecture Hall 3

Start Date

26-1-2013 4:30 PM


Background: Stress has increasingly become a part of our everyday vocabulary. There is an increased prevalence of stress, in doctors compared with the general population, with psychological morbidity ranging from 19% to 47%, compared with 18% for the general population. The early postgraduate years are the most stressful of all. Common stressors identified among them are volume of work, length of hours, different clinical placements, and the continuous evaluation process. Unfortunately, no study was found from Pakistan focusing on stress among residents. This study proposed to highlight the magnitude of the problem among residents and its potential causative factors.

Methodology; Study design: A cross sectional descriptive study setin the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Participants includedall post graduate residents of Aga Khan University.

Outcome: Stress morbidity distribution and its determinants.

Results: 118 (60.5%) residents were found to be under stress. Workload, sleep deprivation, inflexible long working hours, financial constraints, examinations and evaluations, and uncertain future career opportunities were identified as major stressors, out of which, workload was perceived as a major stress factor by the maximum number of residents (67.7%).

Conclusions: There was a high distribution of stress among residents working at Aga Khan University Hospital. Workload, sleep deprivation, inflexible long working hours, financial constraints, examinations and evaluations, and uncertain future career opportunities were identified as major stressors.

Key words: Keywords: Stress, Post graduate residents, stressors

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Jan 26th, 4:30 PM Jan 26th, 4:45 PM

Distribution and determinants of stress morbidity in postgraduate residents in a teaching hospital of Karachi, a megacity of Pakistan

Lecture Hall 3

Background: Stress has increasingly become a part of our everyday vocabulary. There is an increased prevalence of stress, in doctors compared with the general population, with psychological morbidity ranging from 19% to 47%, compared with 18% for the general population. The early postgraduate years are the most stressful of all. Common stressors identified among them are volume of work, length of hours, different clinical placements, and the continuous evaluation process. Unfortunately, no study was found from Pakistan focusing on stress among residents. This study proposed to highlight the magnitude of the problem among residents and its potential causative factors.

Methodology; Study design: A cross sectional descriptive study setin the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Participants includedall post graduate residents of Aga Khan University.

Outcome: Stress morbidity distribution and its determinants.

Results: 118 (60.5%) residents were found to be under stress. Workload, sleep deprivation, inflexible long working hours, financial constraints, examinations and evaluations, and uncertain future career opportunities were identified as major stressors, out of which, workload was perceived as a major stress factor by the maximum number of residents (67.7%).

Conclusions: There was a high distribution of stress among residents working at Aga Khan University Hospital. Workload, sleep deprivation, inflexible long working hours, financial constraints, examinations and evaluations, and uncertain future career opportunities were identified as major stressors.

Key words: Keywords: Stress, Post graduate residents, stressors