Exploring teachers' views and experiences of English grammar teaching in private secondary schools in Karachi

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Grammar teaching plays an important role in second/foreign language teaching, and according to Pollock and Waller (1999) Grammar is indeed the lifeline to literacy. It is the language which we need to understand in order to be able to use that language effectively (p.2) The focus of this study is to explore English language teachers' views and experiences in teaching English grammar at the lower secondary level in private English medium schools in Karachi. The study followed a quantitative paradigm. Data were collected through survey, and structured interviews were conducted using questionnaires. The sample included 23 English language teachers teaching English at the Lower Secondary level, that is, classes VI, VII, and VIII, in four secondary private English medium schools in Karachi. The study highlighted English teachers' views about the importance and role of grammar in English language teaching and learning, and the teachers' role in grammar teaching. Teachers in the study indicated that their preferred strategies for teaching grammar included use of a wide variety of activities, games and instructions that promote communicative learning of English grammar. The study indicated that there is still no single answer to what is the best way, or the single best strategy, to teach English grammar at this level. Findings point at interesting similarities in approaches used in grammar teaching in both Karachi (Pakistan) and in Osh (Kyrgyzstan). Some differences in grammar teaching strategies between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan arise due to differences between the contexts, that is, ESL and EFL contexts. Grammar teaching is an important element of English language teaching in both the ESL and the EFL context, and teachers are trying out newer approaches, and are capable of evaluating teaching strategies and using strategies that are suitable to their context. My purpose for taking up this study was to find out teachers' views and practices in teaching English grammar in Pakistan. The study indicates that grammar-teaching strategies used for teaching in Pakistan (an ESL context) could be used with slight modifications in Kyrgyzstan (an EFL context) as well. Some recommendations for language educators in Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan are highlighted in the study, and the scope for further research in the area is also indicated.

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