A case study of blended learning at a higher education institution in East Africa

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Brown Onguko

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Susan Namalefe

Third Supervisor/Advisor

Sara Hennessy


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This paper reports case study findings on the use of blended learning (BL) in a higher education institution (HEI) in East Africa. The research desig was qualitative involving a case study of a HEI in East Africa. A BL conceptual model is used to discuss the blended learning practices of a case study higher education institution in East Africa. The study is qualitative in nature. For data collection, semi- structured interviews were conducted with 4tutors, 8 students and an ICT member of staff. Observation of BL processes were also conducted at the HEI while document analysis of the documents such as course books, library catalogues and records, virtual environment documents on the virtual learning environment were used for data collection.

The findings revealed that use of BL at the HEI was evident though at the implementation stages with most of the courses offered having a BL component to their instruction mode. Also, there was evidence of the use of electronic learning environments (ELE) for sessions such as online and offline class sessions with interaction between tutors and student for assisnments and reflections for the subjects offered at the HEI. There was also blending learner- controlled self- pacrd on demand learning with live, collaborative learning which involves knowledge sharing among the learners. Blending custom content with off- the- shelf content combines both the generic off-the- shelf content with custom content that is specific to the learning needs of the institution. Blending learning, practice, and performance support facilitates execution of learning arranged prior to commencement of course with job tasks using just- in- time performance support tools.

The process was fraught with challenges caused by poor ICT skills on the part of the participants and a lack of a comprehensive approach to deploying ICT in learning. The students demonstrated a willingness to incorporate BL into their learning activities, a fact which should be supported by increased emphasis on BL by the instructors.

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