Factors affecting the effectiveness of school staff meetings: a study of two high schools in Northern Kenya

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Susan Namelefe

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Jane Rarieya

Third Supervisor/Advisor

James Nkata


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Professional status requires self determination, power and the ability to make important decisions about the nature of one's work. However, often times, teachers outside their classrooms have little say about school policies, procedures, curriculum and other matters that have a direct bearing on the quality and effectiveness of their work. School staff meetings where their ideas would be heard may be occasionally unprofessionally held, with members unprepared and the leaders doing most of the talking.

This study investigated the factors affecting the effectiveness of school staff meetings in two high schools in Northern Keya. Using a qualitative case study desig the study sought to establish whether there were policies guiding the conduct of staff meetings, the practice of staff meeting and how policy and practice affect the effectiveness of staff meetings. Interviews were conducted, staff meetings observed and meeting document such as minutes and notes analyzed to understand the factors affecting effectiveness of staff meetings in both schools.

The findings indicate that inadequate policies, inadequate knowledge of meetoings, haphazard communication, lack of teacher involvement in meeting preparations and organizations, hamper effectiveness. An improved bottom up model for staff meeting is recommended if schools are to manage staff meetigs is to achieved, an action research study should be carried out in institutions with a view to improving the conduct of staff meetigs in high schools.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
