Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Geoff Tennant

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Peter Kajoro


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


School inspection is among the traditional instruments used by most education systems in attempt to control and promote quality Education service delivery for which the head teachers are responsible. Therefore, this study focuses on the impact of inspections on School management practices of head teachers. It considers the opinion of head teachers on the process, outcome and the challenges of School inspections in Koboko District. The study employs mixed approach in case study of four Primary Schools were Interviews with the head teachers centered on their level of involvement in the process and resultant effect of inspections, while Interview with two inspectors helps to verify the data from the head teachers and document analyses. The study finds that initially head teachers‘ had resentment for inspections due to authoritative and less inclusive traditional method of inspections, later they developed positive change in attitude towards school inspections following the reform in the inspectorate. The adoption of clinical method of inspection seemed to have improved staff discipline and attendance. The head teachers hoped to benefit from team/peer inspections conducted every term by sharing ideas and experiences. The inspectors‘ recommendations to the District local Government draw the attention of key stake holders to aid head teachers‘ efforts in School improvement. However there seem to be uncertainty in sustainability of the gains from the inspections due to deficiency in the capacity of some head teachers to carry effective internal supervision, perpetual resentment for inspections by some head teachers, shortage of trained inspectors in the District, and inadequate finances for the inspectorate and the Schools. Despite the mentioned challenges, the inspections are found to be helping to improve the head teachers School management practices by provision of support supervision, continuous professional development and linkage with the District local government.
