Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Veronica Sarungi

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Fulgence Swai Saronga


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Assessment of student learning is an integral part of teaching and learning. Performance based assessments (PBA) is a common form of assessments used in TVET institutions to assess skill competencies of the trainees. These skills cannot be effectively assessed using traditional paper and pencil tests. Literature shows that PBA should be well designed so as to give accurate feedback that can be used to make valid judgments on TVET trainees‟ performance in relation to acquisition of skills for employability. There are guidelines that should be followed in order to develop quality PBA tasks that can assess skills effectively. This is the reason why this study was conducted to establish how the TVET tutors developed PBA tasks for the trainees. The study adapted a concurrent mixed method approach and data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and document analysis. Purposive sampling was used to select one TVET institution. Random sample was used to select two departments and all the17 tutors in the selected departments were involved. Findings that emanated from the study showed that tutors perceived PBA to be important in preparing trainees to pass in national examinations and also equip them with the skills necessary for employability. However, the tutors felt that PBA needed to be given more attention. The tutors followed given guidelines to develop the PBA tasks but adapted some due to contextual factors. The tutors experienced challenges when developing PBA tasks which included overcrowded curriculum and inadequate training resources. Following these findings, recommendations made included strengthening the supervision of PBA preparation and moderation, designing curriculum that matches content with time for training and the government to partner with industries in provision of training equipment and tools to the TVET institutions.
