Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Education (MEd)
First Supervisor/Advisor
Dr. Nicholas Wachira
Second Supervisor/Advisor
Dr. Fulgence Swai Saronga
Institute for Educational Development, East Africa
The introduction of the decentralized demand driven policy of teacher recruitment in Kenya in 2001 was hoped to enhance equitable access to qualified teachers in all public schools of the republic of Kenya. The policy’s main target was the disadvantaged areas of the nation. This was influenced by the government’s inability to continue employing teachers through the centralized supply driven system and the realization of the need to employ teachers for the needy schools even though. What is the influence of the implementation of the decentralized demand driven policy of teacher recruitment in the schools of Kinango Sub County? This may be a challenging question to teachers in the remote parts of the region as they realize over a decade of the policy in action without difference in staffing. This study discusses the stake holders’ perceptions of the policy of decentralized teacher recruitment, the extent at which its implementation has affected the recruitment and distribution of teachers in the Sub County as well as the success and challenges encountered in the verge of implementing the policy. This study has found that although the policy has been in consistent implementation; it has not granted fair distribution of teachers to the needy Sub-counties like Kinango. More so the distribution of teachers within Kinango Sub-county needs improvement. This is manifested by schools with acute need of teachers while teachers get clustered in schools along main roads and township areas. Thus teachers in poorly staffed schools are discontented with their manpower situation that leads to overload. This study recommended that the government should increase the number of teachers it employs per year to counter the increasing demand of teachers in difficult regions due to teacher attrition and population increase.
Recommended Citation
Kuphunza Bakari Makungu. (2015). Influence of decentralized demand driven policy of teacher recruitment in Kinango sub county-Kenya (Unpublished Masters Thesis). Dar es salaam: Aga Khan University