Teachers’ views of how external school supervision influence their practices

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Jane Rarieya

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Nicholas Wachira


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


External supervision is widely used to assure the quality of education offered in schools in many countries. To a great extent, supervision has mainly focused on how to improve student learning. However, teacher practices that lead to improved student learning outcomes as a consequence of supervision have not been extensively addressed especially in developing countries. This study aimed at exploring how teachers’ views of external supervision influences their practices. The qualitative case study comprised one school with a sample of 11 participants who were purposely sampled. Methods of data collection included interviews, focus group discussions and document analysis. Study findings show that while external supervision had some influence on issues related to the general organization of the curriculum, it does not seem to have a direct impact on teachers’ pedagogical practices. Further, the study found supervisors spend much time in school but the real time spent dealing with matters pertaining to teachers’ pedagogical practices is limited, irregular and lack follow-up. Much of the supervision feedback is given orally and generally to all teachers. Hence teachers are of the view that external supervision does not help them personally in what they do in the classroom and therefore the supervision does not significantly influence their teaching practices. The study concludes with a recommendation that external supervision frequency, procedures used and mode of giving feedback needs restructuring for it to have positive influence on teachers’ pedagogical practices.

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