Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Joachim Tamba

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Fredrick Japhet Mtenzi


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of techniques of teaching mathematics to visually impaired pupils in inclusive classroom. Basing on the findings of the study recommendations have been forwarded to stake holders of schools including mathematics teachers, the school administration, the district education officers, teacher training colleges and curriculum developers. The study employed qualitative case study design. The data collection methods were interviews, focus group discussion and observation. Purposive sampling techniques was used to sample the 13 participants of the study. Qualitative data were coded, the codes were collapsed basing on emerging concepts so as to formulate themes in accordance to similarity of concepts. The study established that verbal explanations, group discussions, question and answer were predominant teaching techniques used while teachers’ showed inadequacy in tactile and manipulative teaching techniques. The performance of V.I pupils in mathematics is poor compared to other subjects. No single technique is effective without integration with other techniques basing on learning style of the V.I pupils. The study recommended that school based training of mathematics teachers on techniques that effectively enhance mathematical understanding to the visually impaired pupils. Secondly teacher training colleges to thoroughly train teachers on techniques of teching mathematics so that when the pre-service teacher graduate they immediately become resourceful to other teachers. Thirdly the regular mathematics teacher should embrace co-teaching with the SNE specialist so that the regular mathematics teacher can learn practically from the specialist. Finally the curriculum developers should design a curriculum that is flexible and can allow teacher to practice adaptive participatory techniques which require a little more time than the examination oriented curriculum. The study recommends an action reseach to examine the most appropriate mathematics teaching procedures using tactile materials in a large inclusive class with visually impaired learners.
