Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Abdalla Mohamed

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Mary Mwingi


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The School Management Committees (SMCs) were introduced with the aim of improving educational management through the involvement of parents in schools. Its introduction based on the idea that in order to realize the goals of acquiring quality education and bringing about school improvement there was a need for active participation of the entire community. This study explored the roles SMC plays for school improvement. The study employed a qualitative research approach with a case study design in one of the secondary school in Zanzibar. Multiple data collection methods, namely, semi-structured interview, focus group discussion and document analysis were used to collect in-depth information about the phenomenon under study. The findings revealed that the SMC performed various roles in bringing about school improvement. These roles included, supervising roles, advising roles, mobilizing parents on the contribution of their children funds, approval of the school development planning and budgeting and motivational role. However, there were challenges. These challenges were lack of commitment, inadequate competencies among the members of the committee in performing their roles, and lack of cooperation between the committee’s members and other stakeholders. The study suggests that for effective implementation of the committee’s roles, the members selected to the committees should be those with high committed and there should be efforts to enhance the competencies of members so that they can perform their roles competently and successfully to deal with the challenges that they face in bringing about school improvement.
