Exploring teachers’ practices on test construction in secondary mathematics in Logiri sub-county, Arua district, west Nile region - Uganda

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Mary Oluga

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Joachim Tamba


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This study set to explore teacher’s practices in the teaching of secondary mathematics in Logiri sub county West Nile region in Uganda East Africa. The study was guided by three major aims; thus, factors that are considered while constructing tests, principles of test construction and lastly significances and challenges of test construction in relation to available literature. Quantitative and qualitative methods were both used in the study which was limited to only one school. Various documents were analyzed like scheme of work, lesson plans, mathematics text books, UNEB past papers among others including a lesson observation. The study adopted a sequential method and administered 62 questionnaires to students, carried out interviews to four respondents (two administrators and two teachers) plus six students who sat for a mathematics test that were all selected in regard to gender. It was found out that test construction is key in teaching and learning. In addition, although the teachers are aware of the role of Bloom’s taxonomy in test construction, they do not know how to apply it nor do they consider using it in developing the tests. The challenges include inadequate materials for setting, language used, and poor test planning by teachers. The following recommendations were made; school administrators and stake holders like the board of governors, PTA, foundation body and others should address and implement issues of test construction in schools to the teachers in form of workshops, seminars, and induction on how to construct tests guided by Bloom’s taxonomy. The government and school administration should have specialized personnel in assessment that would handle issues of test construction in schools than leaving examinations in the hands of those who hold respective offices as Director of Studies or Deputy Head teacher, academics but do not have the skill or knowledge in construction Lastly the researcher recommends more teaching and training course in test construction, measurement and evaluation in all teachers training colleges so that teachers well equipped with required skills in test construction.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
