Investigation of procedures of assessment used for preprimary children - Moshi municipality, Tanzania

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Joachim Tamba

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Abdalla Mohamed


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Assessment in preprimary school is one of the most important components in education to promote teaching and learning in schools. This study focuses on procedures of assessment used for preprimary children in Moshi municipality. In chapter one there is background, rationale, research questions, statement of the problem, delimitation, limitation and conclusion. However, the study was guided by the three research questions which were reflected throughout the literature review. Qualitative method was employed to collect data in three preprimary classes under primary schools in Moshi municipality where semi-structured interview and document analysis were the main instruments complemented by observation. Thus, data were collected through one-on-one interviews with preprimary teachers, academic teachers and head teachers. Further it involved critical analysis of relevant documents and classroom observation. Findings are presented and analyzed as guided by the research questions. Findings revealed that assessment in preprimary children is carried out differently. While other respondents use assessment observational lists other teachers used written exams while others provided a kind of mixed approach assessment both observational checklist and written tests and exams. However generally speaking, it was found that teachers used very limited methods and tools for assessing preprimary children. Additionally, the study found that a number of factors influence the type of assessment the teachers use for preprimary children. The factors identified include teachers’ beliefs and perception, influence from school administration, influence from parents, classroom size and inadequate knowledge of teachers in carrying out procedures of assessment activities. Based on research findings the study recommends a number of issues that should be addressed to mitigate the gaps identified. The study suggests that there should be refresher courses for preprimary teachers to carry out assessment activities properly, parents and head teachers should as well be made aware of assessments procedures for preprimary children and finally the government of Tanzania at large should make sure that in Teacher Colleges (TC) student teachers should be equipped with enough skills on how to conduct procedures of assessment for preprimary children.

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