Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Mussa Mohamed

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Fulgence Swai Saronga


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Teaching during the transition period of curriculum change is a very challenging activity. Teachers need to be assisted by Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) through the intended curriculum, manifested curriculum as textbooks and supported curriculum such as teacher’s guides on one hand and through provision of continuous professional development on the other hand. This should be done in order to improve their teaching efficiency on the intended curriculum and the implemented curriculum during this period and far much better improving learner’s performance as an attained curriculum by the students. This is pivotal if we are to improve the quality of teaching and education in our country. However, classroom teachers’ view on the assistance received from TIE in one public primary school in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, have indicated that despite the assistance they are provided, they are faced with a number of challenges in which teachers have devised some coping strategies as solution to curb the situation. This research study has explored how TIE assists classroom teachers of one public primary school in Dar es Salaam to cope with teaching during the transition period of curriculum change. Data were collected from the field buy using semi structured interview, document analysis and researcher’s field notes. The research findings imply that TIE assists teachers in various ways. The former involves assistance through provision of professional trainings and seminars, curriculum materials such as syllabus, textbooks and teacher’s guides and direct involvement in process such as curriculum development as well as in producing, piloting and testing of the curricula materials such as books. In addition, teachers also are involved in the training in order to train their fellow teachers when they go back in their respective schools. Despite the fact that teachers are assisted by TIE in the way it has been found in this study, this assistance needs to be strengthened as far as teachers are still faced with various challenges. Those challenges and teachers’ coping strategies are also discussed. Therefore, in order to realize teachers’ full potential, these forms of assistance from TIE to teachers should be regulated and provided consistently, promptly and to a wider number of teacher.
