Assessment of critical thinking dispositions of final year (Fourth-Year) baccalaureate nursing students in Lahore , Pakistan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MScN)


School of Nursing and Midwifery, Pakistan


Worldwide, the phenomenon of Critical Thinking (CT) is considered very important for health care professionals to effectively manage the complex health issues in the rapidly changing healthcare environment. CT is the most desired outcome in nursing educati Dn also. It nurtures nurses to become more competent, and skillful, and enables them to effic Lently manage the multi-faceted health challenges. Nurse educators are facing challen ges in achieving this outcome. They need to embrace effective teaching and learning strategi es that ensure inculcation of CT in nursing students. Purpos nursing effecti v e: The purpose of this study was to investigate the CT dispositions in baccalaureate students about to complete their degree program. The study also determined the eness of the currently teaching learning strategies in the baccalaureate nursing program. Methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted in the five nursing institutions of Lahore, Pakistan. The target population of the study was year-four nursing students who were about to complete their degree program. Data was collected from 124 year-four students. The Critical Thinking Dispositions Seale (CTDS) assessed the level of CT disposit version learning ions among baccalaureate nursing students. The data were analyzed with SPSS 19.0, using the Fishers' exact test to explore the association between teachingstrategies, and CT dispositions. Results dispositi dispositi scores o The findings indicated that the majority of the students demonstrated CT ons in a progressive state, and only 17.80% of the students showed positive CT ons. To determine the association between the teaching-learning strategies and the [CT dispositions, the strategies reported a significant association was: brainstorming/discussion (0.023), reflective writing (0.024), presentation (0.008), debates (0.008), and group projects (0.056). Conclusion: At the exit point of their degree program, the baccalaureate nursing students had progressive CT dispositions, which reflect their level of critical thinking. Although, developing and promoting CT is a complex process, it can be developed through enthusiasm, open-mindedness, practice, and integration of effective pedagogical approaches, by the proficient nurse educators.

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