Family centered rounds in pediatric intensive care settings at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MScN)


School of Nursing and Midwifery, Pakistan


Objective: To determine whether family centered rounds implemented in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit improves parents' and health care professionals' satisfaction, decrease patients' length of stay, and improves time utilization when compared to traditional practice rounds. Methodology: A non randomized control trial, where during phase I (April to May, 2009) traditional bedside rounds were practiced, and during phase II (June to July, 2009) family centered rounds were practiced. A convenient sample of 82 parents and25 health care professionals was recruited. Data were collected on the second day of rounds. At test was used to compare parental satisfaction and time duration and a paired t test was used to compare health care professionals' satisfaction between rounds. Wilcox on rank sum test was used to analyze differences between rounds in patients' length of stay and time utilization Results: Overall, parents were satisfied with traditional as well as family centered rounds; however parents' ratings during the family centered rounds were significantly higher for some parental satisfaction items including use of simple language during the rounds (p=0.002), and preference for family centered rounds (p=0.000). No significant differences were found in health care professionals' satisfaction between rounds. Patients' length of stay was significantly reduced in family centered rounds group while no significant difference was found in the time duration of rounds. Family centered rounds served as an opportunity for parents to correct patient history or documentation. Conclusion: Parents preferred family centered rounds whereas, health care professionals did not. Family centered rounds were a resource for parents reflecting their need for information, communication, and involvement in decision making during their child's hospitalization. The findings of this study suggest that family centered care rounds may be used as a quality care measure.

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