Volume 2, Issue 1 (2007)
Neuroscience in Pakistan
Fatima Kaneez
Original Articles
Prevalence of Parent-Rated Hyperkineticdisorder and Associated Risk Factors in Aschoolgoing Population
Ehsanullah Syed and Sajida Abdul Hussein
Spectrum of Intracranial Pathology: Tumorsversus Infections at a Tertiary Care Hospital
Muhib Alam Khan, Sukaina Aijazali Panju, and S. Ather Enam
Review Articles
Stroke in Asians
Ather Taqui and Ayeesha K. Kamal
Carotid Artery Stenting -Where do we Stand?
Ismail A. Khatri, Sara Qayyum, Ammar AlKawi, and Jawad F. Kirmani
Case Report
Multiple Fractures Upper Body Fracturesassociated with Extradural Hematomas
Amit Agrawal, Akshay Pratap, Anand Kumar, Amit Thapa, and Abhishek Sinha
Literature Highlights
Shahzad Shamim
Syed Ahmer
Zafar Sajjad
Conference Abstract
ABSTRACTS 13th Annual Meeting Pakistan Society for Neurology March 23-24, 2007 Lahore
13th Annual Meeting Pakistan Society for Neurology