"Online early childhood teacher education program: Practices and future" by Yasmeen Mehboob and Silpa Aziz Karim

Document Type



Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


The study aimed to test the effectiveness and the feasibility of Zoom and Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) for early childhood teacher education (ECTE) at a university in Pakistan. The study addresses how a Community of Inquiry (COI) framework can be embedded within Zoom and VLE to make the online course meaningful, interactive and accessible. This is an exploratory case study with a mixed method approach. Data was gathered through survey, focus group discussion, reflective journals, observations and meeting notes. Pre- and post-online knowledge tests and assignments were used to assess changes in participant’s knowledge and understanding. Survey result indicated positive attitude of participants toward using Zoom and VLE. The knowledge test scores improved at the end of the course. The study outlines insights into adapting creative and resilient online pedagogies for ECTE in emergency as well as normal circumstances. The paper will be of value to university faculty and policy makers, particularly in developing countries for designing teacher education programs.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ)



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
