Health problems among school age children and proposed model for school health promotion

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School of Nursing and Midwifery, Pakistan


Background: Young school going children are at high risk of acquiring communicable and non-communicable diseases and the situation is alarming in low and middle income countries (LMICs). The prospects are further worsened by poverty and inadequate water and sanitation facilities. This all significantly affect young children’s cognitive, motor and socio-emotional development. Concept of health promoting schools (HPS) has long been advocated where schools are viewed as healthy settings for living, learning and working. Countries around the world have implemented diverse components of HPS, which are delivering promising results.
Current State and Proposed Model: The paper attempts to highlight the need for school health promotion, and reports on the health promotion activities being carried out in a peri-urban school settlement in Pakistan by the Rural Educational Promotion and Development Society (REPDS), Pakistan in collaboration with Aga Khan University (AKU), Pakistan. Health program at the school was conceptualized in light of the WHO’s HPS model and is comprised of four major components: (1) school health services mainly include, treatment of minor ailments to children and school staff, health screening of children and health education activities, (2) community links and partnerships to promote health of children and collaboration with local NGO to deliver eHealth services, (3) capacity building of teachers to undertake basic health assessments of children, and (4) school physical environment to offer conducive atmosphere to all members of the school community.
Conclusions: The health and education sectors in LMICs need to assess the health needs of the young children in their settings so as to adapt the school health promotion programs in order to enhance children’s overall well-being.


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Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Public Health in Developing Countries
