Incidental finding of tuberculous pleural effusion in patient undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: Case report

Document Type



Cardiothoracic Surgery; Surgery


Introduction: Pleural effusion is common in patient with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) usually due to heartfailureinpreoperative andtraumaofsurgery inpostoperativepatient.Tuberculous Pleuraleffusionismost common form of extra pulmonary Tuberculosis. Preoperatively Tuberculous pleural effusion in CABG patients has rarely been described in literature.
Presentation of case: A 62 years old gentleman with ischemic heart disease was admitted for coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Preoperative workup showed left sided pleural. Intraoperatively left sided turbid yellowishcoloureffusionwithloculationwasnotedwhileharvestingleftinternalmammaryartery.Loculationwere broken down, effusion was drained and tissues were sent for microbiology and histopathology. CABG was performed smoothly. Microbiology of pleural tissue revealed Mycobacterium tuberculosis while histopathology showed chronic granulomatous inflammation. Patient was started onantituberculous therapyand remained well six months postoperatively.
Conclusion: In developing countries even without any constitutional symptoms of Tuberculosis high index of suspicion for Tuberculosis should be made for patient with pleural effusion especially in cases of cardiac surgery as to prevent morbidity and mortality.


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Annals of Medicine and Surgery
