Prostate type epithelial polyps of urogenital tract: a series of 3 cases and literature review

Document Type



Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


Objective: To present clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical features of 3 cases of rare and unusual condition of urogenital tract, prostatic epithelial polyps situated in various parts of the urinary tract, with a heterogeneous presentation and a benign behavior.Methods: Detailed data on 3 patients with polyps in the urinary tract presented from January 2008 to December 2012 were reviewed, and the clinicopathologic characteristics of the patients and disease along with various diagnostic and treatment modalities were recorded.Results: All the 3 patients were aged older than 45years. The presenting symptom hematuria was common to each patient. One patient had polypoidal growth in preprostatic (intramural) urethra; the other 2 had polyps in bladder. Each patient had other urogenital tract disease, 2 were known case of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and 1 had past history of urinary bladder carcinoma. Clinically, each of the case was misdiagnosed as aggressive lesions; however, after histopathologic diagnosis, management was undertaken according to benign result. No recurrence or metastasis was observed to date. Immunohistochemical stain prostate-specific antigen was positive in the epithelium. All 3 patients were recurrence-free on follow-up.CONCLUSION: The prostate type epithelial polyps are rare in urinary bladder and bladder urethra and are frequently associated with concurrent pathologies of urogenital tract. These are benign conditions with differential of other benign and malignant disorders.

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