"Predicting prognosis in lung cancer: Use of proliferation marker, Ki67" by I N. Soomro, J Holmes et al.

Document Type



Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


An investigation was carried out to assess the prognostic significance of proliferation marker Ki67 in a group of lung cancer patients treated by surgery (limited disease). Tissue was not available for Ki67 immunostaining in inoperable group. The diagnosis is established by bronchial biopsy which does not carry enough tissue for frozen section and counting. This study is supplemented by estimating the prognostic significance of histological sub-types in the operable group and in a group of inoperable patients with extensive disease. These are usually treated by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. In all, 267 patients were studied including 105 treated by surgery. These patients attended King's College and Brompton Hospital, UK, between 1986 and 1989. With regard to proliferation marker Ki67 done for the surgical group, only patients with Ki67 scores of less than 5% did survive significantly longer than the rest. Histology did not make any significant contribution in determining prognosis in both operable and inoperable groups. Although follow-up is limited (mean 20 months), Ki67 antibody seems promising in identifying low and high grade disease in the initial stage of lung cancer. It may prove useful for category of patients with high scores to be placed on chemotherapy/radiotherapy. Results suggest that in the case of lung tumour, proliferative activity is a better prognostic indicator than histological type.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Pakistan Medical Association
