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Secondary spread of cancer to bones is commonest and frequent phenomenon and enhances the need of special care for sufferers. Bone metastases mostly are the first complication of different variety of cancers which increase the need of care and expensive facilities. Blood dissemination is another common route, might be due to the venous drainage from visceral organs directly into the axial bones. CA 15-3 is a mucinous tumor markers derived from MUC1 gene, provides better guide line about the treatment, recurrence and prognosis.
Aim: Aim of the study was to signify the role of tumor marker CA15-3 in metastatic breast cancer. Methods: Hundred females of breast cancer (any age) with different stages of breast cancer with and without bone metastasis were tested for their serum level of CA 15-3 (biomarker of breast cancer). Bone scan was done to check the secondary metastasis to bones. Intravenous dye Ttechnicium 99 MDP has been used. Serum levels of ca15-3 were measured with the help of Gama Counter with computerized system and IRMA kit (Immunoradiometric Assay) by IMMUNOTECH. Ultrasound of whole abdomen and X ray/CT scan were used to detect liver and pulmonary metastasis respectively.
Results: Results indicate a high statistical significant relationship between bone metastasis and elevated levels of tumor marker CA 15-3 in breast cancer patients. Elevated levels of tumor marker CA 15-3 is strongly correlated with positive bone scan. An elevated level of tumor marker CA 15-3 is also correlated with positive pulmonary metastasis CA 15-3 is highly sensitive to detect bone metastasis and also sensitive to detect pulmonary metastasis. A lesser extent of high CA 15-3 serum levels is determinant of liver metastasis. Bone scan is essential tool to detect bone metastasis but need assistance of chemical biomarkers.
Conclusions: CA 15-3 as a tumor marker proved a help full determinant of tumor burden in metastatic breast cancer. Its significance is more to detect bone metastasis than to pulmonary and then to liver metastasis. Future studies upon CA15-3 in association with imaging techniques and other organ related specific tumor markers to detect specific metastasis or overall body tumor burden will be blessing for patients and physicians.
Publication (Name of Journal)
Journal of Cancer and Tumor International.
Recommended Citation
Fatima, H.,
Maqbool, A.,
Siddiqui, M.,
H, G.,
Sohail, H.,
Saleem, O.,
Ahmed, A.
(2016). Significance of Tumor Marker CA15-3 in Metastatic Breast Cancer. Journal of Cancer and Tumor International., 4(3), 1-12.
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