"Primary endo-bronchial muco-epidermoid carcinoma in a 22-year-old fema" by Mirza Rameez Samar, Aneeqa Ejaz et al.

Primary endo-bronchial muco-epidermoid carcinoma in a 22-year-old female: A case report

Document Type



Medicine; Haematology/Oncology


Introduction: Muco-epidermoid carcinomas are primarily the subtypes of salivary gland tumors that can rarely originate within the respiratory tract. Our case highlights the occurrence of an unusual, localized, endo-bronchial muco-epidermoid cancer. We aim to strengthen the evidence of occurrence of this distinct variety of lung cancer in our country as little is known about this rare subclass of lung cancer.
Case presentation: We report a case of a 22-year-old female patient, belonging to Karachi, Pakistan, who presented with respiratory symptoms and upon work-up, was diagnosed with a low-grade, localized muco-epidermoid carcinoma of the lung. She underwent surgical resection successfully and was advised to get evaluated for adjuvant radiotherapy.
Clinical discussion: Localized low-grade MEC respond well to surgical resection in contrast to high-grade MEC which is associated with poor prognosis thus requiring adjuvant radiotherapy to improve survival outcomes.
Conclusion: Lung cancers can be unusually of muco-epidermoid origin. It has been uncommonly found in the world including Pakistan. Special attention with validated data is therefore needed, for developing guidelines for the optimal management of such neoplasms.


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Publication (Name of Journal)

International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
