Document Type



Diabetes/Endocrinology and Metabolism


Graves ophthalmopathy (GO) usually occurs in a close temporal relationship with hyperthyroidism. It is rare in patients with normal thyroid function (euthyroid GO) and in patients with hypothyroid forms of thyroid autoimmune diseases (hypothyroid GO). We report a 52-years old man presenting in our endocrine clinic with diagnosed primary hypothyroidism 3 months back during evaluation for glaucoma. He was later referred by an ophthalmologist to exclude Grave's eye disease, where he had presented with chief complaints of bilateral prominent eyes. On examination there was only bilateral exophthalmos with marked chemosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the orbits showed typical findings of GO. Grave's ophthalmopathy is a rare condition to come across in patients with primary hypothyroidism, and is being first time reported from Pakistan. Patients with hypothyroidism and Graves ophthalmopathy can be successfully treated with steroids in a similar manner as in patients with GO associated with hyperthyroidism.


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Publication (Name of Journal)

JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
