The pandemic of coronary heart disease in South Asia: What clinicians need to know

Document Type



Community Health Sciences; Family Medicine; Cardiology; School of Nursing and Midwifery, Pakistan; Office of the Provost


Purpose of review: South Asia has around 1/6th of the current global population. Epidemiological studies suggest that South Asians living in South Asia and diaspora are at an increased risk of premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ASCVDs). This is due to an interplay of genetic, acquired, and environmental risk factors. Due to its increasing share of the global population, clinicians need to know the reasons for this early predisposition, and strategies for early identification and mitigation.
Recent findings: South Asians have earlier onset of cardiometabolic risk factors such as insulin resistance, hypertension, and central adiposity. This increased risk is seen in both native South Asians and the diaspora. South Asians have earlier onset of ASCVD due to an earlier onset of cardiometabolic risk factors. Health promotion and early identification of these risk factors are essential to mitigate this ongoing crisis


Volume, issue and pagination are not provided by the author/publisher.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Current Atherosclerosis Reports


