"Patients’ attitudes and perceptions regarding person centered care: re" by Waris Qidwai, Zehra Kazmi et al.

Patients’ attitudes and perceptions regarding person centered care: results of a survey from an urban city of Pakistan

Document Type



Family Medicine


Background: Doctor-Patient consultation models have evolved over time, but there is a need for a paradigm shift from a directive consultation style towards a non-directive, person-centered consultation style. The aim of this study was to identify patients’ attitudes and perceptions to a person-centered model of care.
A pilot cross-sectional study was conducted at a general outpatients department of a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, from September to November 2011. A total of 460 adult patients (>18 years and visiting the same doctor for more than one year) were consecutively approached. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used to collect patient information. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 19 and multivariable logistic regression analysis.
In total 424 participants were included in the final analysis. The majority of the patients were males (57.3%). Females preferred the person-centered care (PCC) model more (52.7 vs. 42.7%). The regression analysis showed that those participants who had 6 to 12 years of education preferred the PCC model more as compared to those with low educational status (AOR:0.08, 95% C.I: 0.06-3.0, p=<0.01). Other variables, such as being female, being less than 25 years old and being a student/housewife or being retired were statistically insignificant in the regression model.
The results of the current study indicate that females prefer the PCC model more. There is a need for more intensive research that can assist in improving access to person-centered care. To improve PCC in all patient-physician encounters, it is important to identify contextual factors that underlie differences in communication as a function of gender.

Publication (Name of Journal)

European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare
