"Professionalism in medical students at a private medical college in Ka" by Zain-ul- Abedeen Sobani, Muhammad Masaud Mohyuddin et al.

Document Type



Educational Development


Objective: To determine levels of professionalism in undergraduate medical students at a private medical college and assess how changes emerge during their training.

Methods: The study was conducted at Aga Khan University, a tertiary care teaching hospital, during November and December 2011. Freshmen, Year 3 and Year 5 students were requested to fill out a questionnaire. It was designed to assess the participants\' levels of professionalism and how they perceived the professional environment around them by incorporating previously described scales. The questionnaire was re-validated on a random sample of practising clinicians at the same hospital. SPSS 17 was used for statistical analysis.

Results: The study sample comprised 204 participants. The mean score for level of individual professionalism was 7.72±3.43. Only 13 (6.4%) students had a score one standard deviation above the faculty mean. About 24 (11.8%) were one standard deviation and 35 (17.2%) were 2 standard deviations below the faculty mean. The remaining 130 (63.7%) were >2 standard deviations below the faculty mean. Considering the level of education, the mean score for level of professionalism was 8.00±3.39 for freshmen, 6.85±3.41 for year 3 students, and 8.40±3.34 for year 5 students.

Conclusion: The currently employed teaching practices inculcating the values of professionalism in medical students are serving as a buffer to maintain the pre-training levels of professionalism from declining.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Pakistan Medical Association
