"Effect of a multicomponent intervention on antihypertensive medication" by Liang Feng, Imtiaz Jehan et al.

Effect of a multicomponent intervention on antihypertensive medication intensification in rural south Asia: Post hoc analysis of a cluster RCT

Document Type



Community Health Sciences; Cardiology; Nephrology


Background: Inadequate treatment of hypertension is a widespread problem, especially in South Asian countries where cardiovascular disease mortality rates are high. We aimed to explore the effect of a multicomponent intervention (MCI) on antihypertensive medication intensification among rural South Asians with hypertension.
Methods: A post hoc analysis of a 2-year cluster-randomized controlled trial including 2,645 hypertensives aged ≥40 years from 30 rural communities, 10 each, in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Independent assessors collected information on participants' self-reports and physical inspection of medications. The main outcomes were the changes from baseline to 24 months in the following: (i) the therapeutic intensity score (TIS) for all (and class-specific) antihypertensive medications; (ii) the number of antihypertensive medications in all trial participants.
Results: At 24 months, the mean increase in the TIS score of all antihypertensive medications was 0.11 in the MCI group and 0.03 in the control group, with a between-group difference in the increase of 0.08 (95% confidence interval (CI, 0.03, 0.12); P = 0.002). In MCI compared with controls, a greater increase in the TIS of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers (0.05; 95% CI (0.02, 0.07); P < 0.001) and calcium channel blockers (0.03; 95% CI (0.00, 0.05); P = 0.031), and in the number of antihypertensive medications (0.11, 95% CI (0.02, 0.19); P = 0.016) was observed.
Conclusions: In rural communities in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, MCI led to a greater increase in antihypertensive medication intensification compared with the usual care among adults with hypertension.

Publication (Name of Journal)

American Journal of Hypertension
