"Ionomic profiling of pericardial fluid in ischemic heart disease" by Noman Khan, Satwat Hashmi et al.

Document Type



Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Cardiology; Cardiothoracic Surgery


Metals are essential cofactors that play a crucial role in heart function at the cell and tissue level. Information regarding the role of metals in the pericardial fluid and its ionome in ischemic heart disease (IHD) is limited. We aimed to determine the association of elements in pericardial fluid and serum samples of IHD patients and their correlation with systolic and diastolic function. IHD patients have been studied with systolic and diastolic dysfunction categorized on the basis of echocardiographic parameters. We measured concentrations of sixteen elements in the pericardial fluid and serum of 46 patients obtained during open heart surgery with IHD by ICP-MS. The levels of chromium and nickel in pericardial fluid were significantly higher as compared with serum samples of IHD patients (p < 0.05). The chromium, nickel and manganese levels in pericardial fluid were lower in patients with ejection fraction (EF) < 45% as compared to EF > 45% (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in pericardial concentrations of elements in diastolic dysfunction grade 0–1 with 2 in IHD patients. We also found that decreased concentration of these elements in pericardial fluid is associated with decreased systolic function. These results suggest that pericardial fluid concentrations of these metals may reflect the extent of ischemic heart disease. These findings are hypothesis generating with regards to a role in the pathogenesis of the disorder.

Publication (Name of Journal)

RSC Advances

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