The emergence of an unassigned complex recombinant form in a Pakistani HIV-infected individual

Document Type



Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Medicine


In Pakistan, the HIV situation has gone from an outbreak to a concentrated epidemic, and the virus has now crossed into the low-risk population. In addition, several new HIV outbreaks have occurred in different parts of the country. HIV-1 subtype A has been the major epidemic subtype in Pakistan; however, as the epidemic has grown, the emergence of several new subtypes and recombinant forms has been observed. Here, we present the first case and genetic analysis of an unassigned, complex recombinant form in a Pakistani HIV-infected individual with virological failure. Genetic analysis of the sequence indicated that this recombinant form is multi-drug resistant, harboring drug resistance mutations against more than one class of antiretroviral drugs.


Volume, issue, and pagination are not provided by the author/publisher

Publication (Name of Journal)

Archives of Virology
