
Shahla Siddiqui

Document Type





The widespread and often 'misuse' of the Swan Ganz (SG) or Pulmonary artery catheter has often been seen in intensive care patients. The objective of this preliminary review was to observe the trends and possibly formulate an association with outcome of the use of SG catheters as well as to determine the frequency of use and possible complications. The chart review of ten patients was carried out for the months of January and February 2004 in a retrospective manner. The incidence of SG catheter insertion was 12% per month on average. Nine out of 10 patients received the SG catheters for 'fluid management'; and 1 for 'haemodynamic instability'. Eight out of 10 patients expired and average length of stay was 9 days. There were no complications recorded. The cause of death in all patients was 'severe sepsis'. The overwhelming majority of patients who received these catheters expired at the end of their stay.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Pakistan Medical Association
