Submissions from 2013
The triumph of religion, Duane Rousselle
Submissions from 2012
Georges Bataille’s Post-Anarchism, Duane Rousselle
Postmodern Pollution, Duane Rousselle
Scruples: rules of play: a lacanian detournement of scrabble, Duane Rousselle
What Comes After Post-Anarchism?”, Duane Rousselle
Varieties of openness and types of digital anthropology, David Zeitlyn and Stephen Lyon
Submissions from 2011
Dunbar's Number: Group size and brain physiology in humans reexamined, Jan de Ruiter, Gavin Weston, and Stephen M. Lyon
Submissions from 2010
Genealogy, kinship, and knowledge: A cautionary note about causation, Stephen M. Lyon
Imaginary, symbolic, real, Duane Rousselle
Symptom or sinthome?, Duane Rousselle
Symptom or Sinthome?, Duane Rousselle
Submissions from 2006
Kinship, computing, and anthropology, Stephen M. Lyon and Simeon S. Magliveras
Submissions from 2005
In the Shadow of September 11: Multiculturalism and Identity Politics, Stephen Lyon
Submissions from 2004
An Anthropological Analysis of Local Politics and Patronage in a Pakistani Village, Stephen Lyon
Submissions from 2003
Scholz, Fred (trans. Hugh van Skyhawk). Nomadism and colonialism: A hundred years of Baluchistan, 1872-1972., Stephen M. Lyon
Submissions from 2002
Local arbitration and conflict deferment in Punjab, Pakistan, Stephen Lyon
Power and patronage in Pakistan, Stephen Lyon