Submissions from 2010
Genealogy, kinship, and knowledge: A cautionary note about causation, Stephen M. Lyon
Imaginary, symbolic, real, Duane Rousselle
Symptom or sinthome?, Duane Rousselle
Symptom or Sinthome?, Duane Rousselle
Submissions from 2009
National Health Accounts: lessons for Pakistan., ashar muhammad malik
National Health Accounts: lessons for Pakistan, Muhammad Ashar Malik
Submissions from 2006
Kinship, computing, and anthropology, Stephen M. Lyon and Simeon S. Magliveras
Submissions from 2005
In the Shadow of September 11: Multiculturalism and Identity Politics, Stephen Lyon
Submissions from 2004
An Anthropological Analysis of Local Politics and Patronage in a Pakistani Village, Stephen Lyon
Submissions from 2003
Scholz, Fred (trans. Hugh van Skyhawk). Nomadism and colonialism: A hundred years of Baluchistan, 1872-1972., Stephen M. Lyon
Submissions from 2002
Local arbitration and conflict deferment in Punjab, Pakistan, Stephen Lyon
Power and patronage in Pakistan, Stephen Lyon