"International cooperation: Strengthening midwifery in central Asia" by Meike Kolfenbach and Karen Birdsall

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Even 25 years after their independence, the Central Asian States (Kyrgyzstan / Tajikistan / Uzbekistan) are facing enormous challenges in the health system. Several years ago it became obvious that the MDG 4 and 5 would not be fully achieved. This led to an increased support of the health systems of the concerned countries by Germany’s International Cooperation. The GIZ Regional Health Programme in Central Asia placed great emphasis upon increasing the number of births attended by health professionals, including midwives. The strengthening of midwifery as a model of a sustainable maternal and child health relies on a broad based programme including education, regulation and association. The mutual contact among the midwives in the Region and their collaboration with international partners received equal attention and support. The foundation of national midwifery associations, their membership in the ICM and the continuing further training in all relevant areas of practical midwifery knowledge and science are proof of a successful implementation of this international collaboration.
