"Midwife-Led Community Transformation (Milcot) Nursing Now Challenge in" by Harriet Nayika, Cliff Aliga et al.

Document Type



School of Nursing and Midwifery, East Africa



This paper describes the journey of a young African midwife utilising the Nursing Now Nightingale Challenge framework to undertake a gap analysis and a mapping exercise to provide high-quality continuous professional development education for midwives working in isolation in a deprived suburb in Uganda. The project was completed in three stages:

  • Stage one mapped out the services available within Nansana, Uganda
  • Stage two identified the gaps in education for midwives and nurses within the area
  • Stage three developed and offered educational study days for nurses, midwives and adolescents based on the gap analysis.

Publication (Name of Journal)

The Practising Midwife
