"From despair to hope: Cancer indigenous knowledge practices (CIK) in U" by Sarah Kaddu, Sarah Nakaziba et al.

Document Type

Conference Paper


School of Nursing and Midwifery, East Africa


Cancer indigenous knowledge (CIK) through ethnobotanical research has been able to identify plants with anti-cancer agents. These medicinal plants are used to prevent and treat various types of cancer to improve the survival rate and quality of life. This study aimed to examine the CIK practices in Uganda. The study-specific objectives included: to establish the information needs of the cancer patients in Uganda; to identify the types of cancers in Uganda; to examine the CIK practices in Uganda (CIK); to examine the factors that could either promote or hinder the access and utilisation of CIK in Uganda. A phenomenological research design with a qualitative approach was adopted. Data were collected through face-to-face in-depth interviews with the CIK practitioners, cancer patients, and managers of CIK to ascertain the CIK practices in Uganda. The findings show that factors that facilitated access were: side effects from conventional treatment, information from trusted sources, availability of herbs, and the increased interest in CIK. The study further identified factors hindering access which include: non-documentation, non-government support, poor perception of CIK, and lastly, non-availability of the documented CIK. Lastly, the study recommends that the government of Uganda through the MoH should streamline traditional medicine into the health system; CIK
practitioners to engage in research and promote documentation of the available CIK practices; IK practitioners to carry out public sensitization on what IK is and what it is not

Publication (Name of Journal)

Inclusive Libraries and Information Services Towards Achieving Prosperity for Sustainable Development in Africa: Proceedings of the 24th Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Library and Information Associations
