Evaluation of Economic Losses from the Hides and Skins Subsector in Wajir County, Kenya

Document Type



Hides and skins subsector is a key area from which many livelihoods are derived among the pastoral communities of Wajir County. Due to high number of uncollected hides and skins in this County, economic losses from this subsector were assessed to come up with ways in which they could be mitigated. The study adopted a descriptive study design whereby from 88574 households in Wajir County, purposive sampling was done to come up with a sample size of 106 composed of 92 flayers and 14 traders. Data collection was done by use of questionnaires and the number on non-collected hides and skins was obtained using Bayes theorem. This study found that many hides and skins remains uncollected with a percentage of 22.57% for goat, 23.52% for sheep, 24.25% for cattle hides and 23.04% for camel hides. In addition, the pastoralist in Wajir County lost Ksh. 3, 837,856 million while the Wajir County government lost Ksh. 403, 940 in form of taxes from uncollected hides and skins. It was concluded that the county government should offer extension services and create awareness on the economic importance of hides and skins. This will improve the quality and increase the number of collected hides and skins.

Publication (Name of Journal)

IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science
