Verrucous Carcinoma Arising in Association With Giant Condyloma

Document Type



Pathology (East Africa)


Verrucous carcinoma (VC) is a histologic subtype of squamous cell carcinoma characterized by highly differentiated squamous cells with a bulbous invasive pattern of the underlying stroma.1-3 It is a rare entity, often associated and confused with giant condyloma of Buschke-Löwenstein. Some authors consider the 2 entities to be distinct.1,3,4 They should be distinguished from giant condylomas by virtue of their low rate of positivity for high-risk human papilloma virus infection and lack of koilocytic atypia.1,2,4,5 On the other hand, these lesions should be distinguished from conventional squamous cell carcinomas because they pose virtually no risk for nodal metastases.1,3 However, there are published reports showing that VC and conventional squamous cell carcinoma can coexist in the same lesion. Conventional squamous cell carcinoma can also arise form VC.6 These reports suggest that VC is but one of the morphologic transitions of conventional squamous cell carcinoma.3

Publication (Name of Journal)

International Journal of Surgical Pathology
