Document Type



Paediatrics and Child Health (East Africa); Population Health (East Africa)


Aim: The objective of the study was to evaluate the quality of life in Kenyan children (age 4–18 years) with cerebral palsy (CP).

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted. Children with CP were recruited from the pediatric clinics at the Aga Khan hospital Nairobi (AKUHN). Parent proxy-reports using CPQoL-child and CPQoL-adolescents were obtained. Clinical and demographic data were compiled from medical records and parent interviews. A Likert scale was utilized to determine QoL across several domains.

Results: One hundred and fourteen child–parent dyads with CP were recruited. The median age of study participants was 8 years (IQR 3–13 years), with males being the majority (57.02 %). Parent proxy-reports using CPQoL-child scale were obtained for n = 93 and CPQoL-adolescents for n = 21 respondents. Parents in both groups reported low domain QoL scores pertaining to function, family health and rehabilitation service accessibility.

Interpretation: Stigma, accessibility to services, therapies and schooling, particularly for children with severe functional limitations, remains a concern. Caregivers would benefit from awareness campaigns of available supports and from local community respite programs. Where national support systems exist, there are critical inefficiencies in service delivery to target population.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Global Pediatrics


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