Document Type
Haematology and Oncology, East Africa
Pharmacokinetics,immunogenicity,and biodistributionof a 131I-Iabeledmouse/human chimenc monoclonal antibody (C17-1A) was studiedin six metastaticcoloncancerpatients. Pharmacokinetics obtalned from serum radioactivity or chi mera concentration were identical after 5 mCi of 131I(>17-1A withmeanalphahalf-livesof 17.6±2.3 and19.7±2.9 and meanbeta half-livesof 100.9±16.1 and 106.4±14.1 hr, respectively. HPLC analysis documented the monomeric chi rneiic17-lA withoutevidenceof immunecomplexesorfree 1311 None of the patients developed antibody after ‘31I-chi merle17-1A exposure.Radiolocalizationoccurredin known areas of disease >4 cm in all patients. The half-life of total body radioactivity was 58 ±7 hr by whole-body counts and 64 ±13 hr by urine measurements. Whole-body and bone marrow dose estimates ranged from 0.75-1 .03 and 0.76- 1.05rad/mCi,respectively.Thesestudiesconfirmthe pro longedcirculationand reducedimmunogenicityof chimeric 171Aversusmunne17-1A.Marrowradiationexposureusing antibodies with prolonged circulation is a critical factor in planningforradioimmunotherapeutic application.
Publication (Name of Journal)
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Recommended Citation
Meredith, R.,
LoBuglio, A.,
Plott, W.,
Orr, R.,
Brezovich, I.,
Russell, C.,
Harvey, E.,
Yester, M.,
Saleh, M.
(1991). Pharmacokinetics, immune response, and biodistribution of iodine-131-labeled chimeric mouse/human IgG1, k 17-1A monoclonal antibody. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 32(6), 1162-1168.
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Biochemistry Commons, Immunology of Infectious Disease Commons, Oncology Commons, Pharmacology Commons
This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.