"Pharmacokinetics, immune response, and biodistribution of iodine-131-l" by Ruby Meredith, Albert LoBuglio et al.

Document Type



Haematology and Oncology, East Africa


Pharmacokinetics,immunogenicity,and biodistributionof a 131I-Iabeledmouse/human chimenc monoclonal antibody (C17-1A) was studiedin six metastaticcoloncancerpatients. Pharmacokinetics obtalned from serum radioactivity or chi mera concentration were identical after 5 mCi of 131I(>17-1A withmeanalphahalf-livesof 17.6±2.3 and19.7±2.9 and meanbeta half-livesof 100.9±16.1 and 106.4±14.1 hr, respectively. HPLC analysis documented the monomeric chi rneiic17-lA withoutevidenceof immunecomplexesorfree 1311 None of the patients developed antibody after ‘31I-chi merle17-1A exposure.Radiolocalizationoccurredin known areas of disease >4 cm in all patients. The half-life of total body radioactivity was 58 ±7 hr by whole-body counts and 64 ±13 hr by urine measurements. Whole-body and bone marrow dose estimates ranged from 0.75-1 .03 and 0.76- 1.05rad/mCi,respectively.Thesestudiesconfirmthe pro longedcirculationand reducedimmunogenicityof chimeric 171Aversusmunne17-1A.Marrowradiationexposureusing antibodies with prolonged circulation is a critical factor in planningforradioimmunotherapeutic application.


This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Nuclear Medicine
