The Power of advocacy in global neurosurgery

Document Type



General Surgery (East Africa)


Advocacy, one of the five domains of global neurosurgery, represents a powerful avenue to influence public policy to expand access to safe, timely, and affordable neurosurgical care. In this manuscript, we characterize advocacy in global neurosurgery, describe specific neurosurgeon-led initiatives, and delineate how neurosurgeons can become involved in global neurosurgery advocacy efforts. Advocacy in global neurosurgery involves working together in organized neurosurgery with organizations focused on clinical provisions, training, and policy initiatives. Effective advocacy uses a datadriven approach with myriad facilitators, including collaboration and approach strategies for sharing information and a variety of contextual, ideological, and practical barriers. The main action fronts for global neurosurgery include identifying needs, broadening access, and assuring quality. Neurosurgery-led initiatives transforming public policy have occurred on regional and global scales and accelerated since 2019. Folate fortification of staple foods to prevent neural tube defects represents a recent and notably successful area of advocacy and remains in progress. Neurosurgeons who aspire to become involved in advocacy efforts must obtain competencies and skills distinct from, yet complementary to, the traditional neurosurgical training curriculum.

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