Effect of epithelial sodium channel blockade in hypertensive Nigerians

Document Type



Biomedical Sciences (East Africa)


Background: Approximately 60% of hypertensive Nigerians are salt-sensitive. The demonstration of genetic linkage between Liddle syndrome and epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) suggests the physiological involvement of ENaC in blood pressure regulation.

Objectives: To determine the effect of ENaC blockade on blood pressure in hypertensive Nigerians.

Methods: Fifty-three hypertensive subjects were recruited after ethical clearance was given by College of Medicine University of Lagos Research Grants and Experimentation Ethics Committee. Every subject gave an informed written consent. Blood pressure was determined at baseline and after salt-loading with 200mmol/day of Na+ for 5 days. After one week wash-out period, the tests were repeated following ingestion of 200mmol/day of Na+ plus amiloride 5mg daily for 5 days.

Results: Blood pressure rose significantly following salt-loading (SBP, 3.1±2.3%; p < 0.001; DBP 2.9±12.4%; p

Conclusion: There were pressor responses to acute salt-loading in hypertensive Nigerians. Blockade of epithelial sodium channel led to significant fall in blood pressure.


This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology


